Mascot Production

Text from Roosevelt College Website

The school mascot provides a common rallying point for the school, parents, and the entire school community that helps raise their collective spirit and pride. It elicits a sense of identity and helps instill loyalty in the school.

A mascot can bring life and attention to the school, its various programs and projects or special causes. It can make the people notice and take a look at what the school is about.

Along this persuasion, Roosevelt College launched in SY 2005-2006 a Search for a School Mascot.And the winning mascot was the choice of more than 80% of the respondents in a survey conducted for this purpose.

Powerful wings. Keen eyesight. Enduring and lasting power. Superior strength. He soars high and dominates the sky with his mighty presence. The new symbol of the Roosevelt College System, The Roosevelt College Golden Eagle. 

Mascot Designer: Homer Eustaquio

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